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Bill Gates says he is not bothered by Steve’s criticism in his biography. The two men are credited with changing the world with their out-of-the-box thinking.

The biography titled “Steve Jobs” was released by Walter Isaacson last week. The book has quotes attributed to Jobs and Gates thrown at each other. The two seemed to have very harsh words for themselves. At a part in the book, Jobs discredited Gates when he said the Microsoft founder is “basically unimaginative” and “never invented anything… He just shamelessly ripped off other people’s ideas.”

Gates attacked the very being of Jobs. The book said Gates called Jobs “weirdly flawed human being.”

Despite what seems like verbal blows to each other, Gates revealed during a recent interview with ABC that he doesn’t hold any hard feelings towards Jobs. He said that he knew Jobs personally and he said so many good things about him although he admitted that some of the other comments were tough as well.

Gates further explained what brought about the tension between him and Jobs. He said Jobs was worried about the way that Microsoft priced their products. According to Gates, Apple always over-priced their products and that was the threat that Microsoft always presented to Jobs and his company.


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