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Have you ever thought about you life?
Like what are you doing on earth?
Take a look back, from you mother delivered you until you are at your age right now.
What have you done so far?
Are you comfort with your life?
Are you satisfied with your achievement?

Look around you, life is very very short my friend, so many people you know have went away, mother, father, both parents maybe, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, niece, nephew, friends, husband, wife, children, neighbour, teacher, and many more.
Yes, they are dead.

You too will be dead, sooner or later, you will be six feet under.
May be tomorrow you never wake up and never see the sun rise again.

What legacy you left for your family?
Are you ready for the next life?

Just sit and think about your life journey, it is the perfect time for you to take a pencil and a piece of paper and start write what the bad things or bad behaviour you have done since you born till this exact second.
Then you must commit not to do all the bad things or bad behaviour, never again in the rest of your life.

Seek the true GOD, you will find the real peace my friend, and you will never worry about where are you going in the next life again.

Keep up the good spirit!

May GOD bless you my friend!

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