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A woman has been arrested after she stood behind the police officer blinded by gunman Raoul Moat and allegedly shouted "bang, bang".

Pc David Rathband was walking into Newcastle Crown Court to attend the trial of two men accused of being Moat's accomplices when the woman apparently pretended to shoot a gun at him.

"Pc Rathband was walking approaching the front of the court building when this woman stepped out behind him and went 'bang, bang'," a witness said.

"He was being accompanied by a family liaison officer who turned round and saw this woman making a gun sign behind his back.

"It was extremely offensive."

The woman was led away in handcuffs after being arrested by three uniformed police officers.

Mr Rathband, 43, was shot in the face by Moat last July while he was on the run after killing his ex-girlfriend's partner.

The traffic officer has attended most days of the ongoing trial of Qhuram Awan and Karl Ness since giving evidence.

The two men deny conspiracy to murder, the attempted murder of Pc Rathband, a firearms offence and the robbery of a Northumberland fish and chip shop.

Ness also denies the murder of karate instructor Chris Brown.


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