Although new research shows that taller men may be at a greater risk for obtaining testicular cancer, they are assured that there is no reason to panic, according to a report on the ‘Toronto Sun’.
The British Medical Journal published the findings this week, after analyzing the medical files of ten thousand men in thirteen different studies. They discovered that for every five centimeters above the average height for a British male, which is 5’9’’, the risk of getting this type of cancer increased by thirteen percent.
They study gave no insight as to why this would be a fact. Dr. Michale Blaise, an author from the study stated, “We still do not understand how increased height raises a man’s risk of testicular cancer.”
The good news is that testicular cancer is very rare, and tall men do not need to panic. Sara Hiom, who is a director of health information at Cancer Research UK stated, “Tall men should not be alarmed by this research since fewer than four in 100 testicular lumps are actually cancerous. But it is still important for men to be aware of any changes to the size and weight of their testicles and not delay seeing their GP if they are concerned.” she added that men under 35 were at more risk.