Thanks to the efforts of the Russian authorities, you can now expect to have twenty percent less junk mail than previously, after they cracked down on just one man, Igor A. Gusev, an alleged spam kingpin.
There are an estimated two hundred million spam messages sent to email inboxes worldwide each day, so it is possible that the missing twenty percent won’t even be missed. But Russian officials say they are doing their part to try and slow down the epidemic.
The investigation began on Mr Gusev on September 21, and on September 27, just six days later, a website which was allegedly ran by him was suddenly shut down. was said to have been run by Mr Gusev, who supposedly paid people to send out spam emails promoting online pharmacies. He is believed to have fled the country.
He stands accused of operating a pharmacy with no license and failing to register his business. Seven removable hard-drives, four flashcards, and three laptops were recovered from his home, and more charges which are computer related may soon be added to his list of crimes.