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Today on ‘The Dr Oz Show’, Dr Oz shared the story of a patient of his named “George” who had a near death experience…a phenomenon which takes place in the lives of about eight hundred people annually in the US. The story which George shared with Dr Oz convinced the physician that life after death really does exist.

George was in need of heart surgery, which Dr Oz did not believe he would survive. He managed to convince Oz to operate anyway, and began to hemorrhage while on the table. Dr Oz could not get the bleeding to cease, and it looked as thought he was going to lose his patient. The bleeding soon stopped on it’s own, which Dr Oz says was a miracle. George was out of it for about three days before it was apparent that he would survive after all.

George shared his story with Dr Oz, and said that when he was out, “I felt like he was in this deep dark ether, this jelly. I looked up and I could see this bright light in my eyes and I began to fall away from it like a bug on it’s back I couldn’t move my body that well, but I knew if I lost sight of the light I would die.” George struggle to go to this light, until it was just in front of him, and then he came to.

‘The Dr Oz Show’ featured such stories from several people who claimed to have near death experiences. Dr Mary Neal was also one of those people. She admits that she did not believe in near death experiences until she drowned one year while she was on vacation.

Dr Mary shares that when she realized that she was drowning and could not stop it, she gave in to the feeling and relaxed in God’s arms. She immediately felt held and comforted, and met about a dozen spirits whom she felt were there to lead her to God. She could also see her own body being pulled from the river below. Dr Mary said that there was sadness when she realized that it was not yet her time, and she had to go back.

But Dr Mary feels that there are three things which she had to come back to do: look out for the health of her husband, be there for her family when her oldest son died, and come back to share her story with the world.


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