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President Barack Obama failed to confirm or deny media reports that his grandmother has been threatened by an affiliate of al Qaeda. 88-year-old Sarah Onyango Obama is a step-grandmother of President Obama.

ABC News carried out news to the effect that Somalia’s Al Shabaab has threatened to kill the older woman in a revenge for the death of Osama bin Laden. The report said the Kenyan police have increased security around Sarah after the threat was sent.

During an interview, President Obama said he does not address individual threats because his family receives them regularly. He however assured that due to the high possibility of reprisal attacks from al Qaeda and their affiliates, American citizens will be adequately protected.

Reprisal attacks seem to have started already. In Pakistan, a twin bomb attack resulted in the deaths of about 80 people. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attacks saying they are a revenge for the role that Pakistan played in getting bin Laden killed.

Bin Laden was killed on the early hours of the 1st of May when US Navy SEALs stormed his secret compound in Pakistan. The raid has raised several questions on Pakistan’s loyalty in America’s fight against terrorism.


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