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Prince William looks like someone who has it all: royal status, a charming fiancee, good health, and an easy touch with his future subjects. But there is one thing he lacks: a full head of hair.

Casual observers who have not paid much attention to Britain's future king in the years before his recent engagement to Kate Middleton have been surprised by the extent of the 28-year-old's hair loss. William still cuts a tall, imposing figure, but his bald spot has been spreading as his hairline recedes.

It's even more apparent since his 26-year-old brother Prince Harry still sports a luxuriant supply of tousled red hair.

The British tabloids have been merciless in their coverage, constantly punning the 'hair to the throne' theme, and comparing his hair loss to that of his father, Prince Charles, and the follically challenged prime minister, David Cameron.

William keeps his hair short, as befits a Royal Air Force helicopter rescue pilot, but the military look only emphasises the way his hairline has changed.

Is hair loss dampening William's appeal? Jennifer Engelhart, a 19-year-old student, doesn't think he should worry.


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