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A murderer who killed two fathers more than 20 years ago waved goodbye today as he was executed - despite concerns over a state's lethal injection drugs.

Eric John King, 47, was executed in Florence, Arizona, following a 1989 robbery in Phoenix, and will be one of the last to have the three-drug lethal injection.

King smiled at around 30 witnesses as the death chamber’s curtains opened at the state prison, waving his hand underneath a sheet up to his neck.

He was convicted of fatally shooting security guard Richard Butts and clerk Ron Barman during a $72 robbery in 1989. Both men were married fathers.

King was the first person to be executed in Arizona since last October, although his lawyers were concerned over one of the lethal drugs and doubted his guilt.

He was declared dead 13 minutes after a medical staff member walked into the death chamber and stated he had been sedated, Corrections Director Charles Ryan said.

King’s lawyers literally fought until the death to get his sentence reversed or delayed.

It would be impossible to know whether he experienced pain after first being injected with the sodium thiopental sedative, said Michael Burke, defending.

The second drug paralysed him before potassium chloride was injected to stop his heart - so if the sedative doesn't work, he could have been in pain without showing it.

‘You'd have no way of knowing if he was in pain or not,’ Mr Burke said. ‘As an observer, he closed his eyes and took some breaths, and I didn't see him move after.

‘It doesn't really give me any solace,’ Mr Burke added, after arguing in court that the state should wait to execute him until it enacts a new lethal injection method.

Mr Ryan said last Friday that Arizona will soon switch to using just one drug in an effort to allay any ‘perceived concerns’ that sodium thiopental is ineffective.

The three-drug lethal injection method is used by nearly all 34 death penalty states, but it became scarce last year after the only U.S. maker stopped manufacturing it.

Ohio has switched to using only the pentobarbital sedative for its executions - and Mr Ryan said Arizona may start using this drug too.

Mr Burke had argued the two key witnesses who testified against King at his trial have changed their stories, no physical evidence exists and surveillance videos were poor.

King was one of 12 siblings whose alcoholic, abusive and mentally disturbed father died of a heart attack when his son was 11, court records said.

He is the 23rd death row inmate Arizona has executed with the three-drug method since it began using lethal injection in 1993. It had also used lethal gas and hanging.


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