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The number of health conscious people and the craving for healthy food are on the rise and the market is replete with hundreds of so called healthy foods. However, not all the ‘healthy’ foods are beneficial for health in the long run and the buyers need to do a reality check before buying such food from supermarkets or even at the local grocery shops. It is quite commonplace to come across low fat ice-cream or low calorie soft drinks but not all of them are healthier than conventional foods. Of course there are some people who get carried away by the labels on the packets of such food. It is ideal to check if the claims are true or not before paying the bill.

Excess salt intake is bad for anyone as it increases the risk of blood pressure and cardiac problems. Some of the readymade salads sold in the market have excess amount of sodium in them. The salads that have a mix of meat and vegetable are the culprits since the meat is injected with sodium to make it moist for long. Some cottage cheese also have high amounts of sodium and it would be better to opt for ricotta cheese.

Some of the low fat desserts including yoghurt and ice creams often have sugar added to them that exceeds the permissible limit for the consumers. It would be a nice idea to prepare salads at home than buying the ready made ones as they often come with preservatives that may not be too good for your health. It is also advisable to know what the dietitians say about these so-called healthy food.


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