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Though marriages are said to be made in heaven, in reality it is way more difficult to maintain peace and happiness in conjugal life. There should be lot of understanding, compromises, sharing, caring, trust and sacrifices from both the ends to keep the flame of relationship alive. However, at times it becomes difficult to cope up with the pressure of everyday life and couples succumb to such day to day pressure. As a result, regular fights, misunderstandings, overshadows a married life and before it is too late, you should understand that you need marriage counseling to save your marriage from drowning. In every relationship, there are certain red flags and common signs that indicate the possible conflicts.

The first and foremost sign can be lack of communication between you and your partner. If a couple does not share their feelings, problems, happiness or day to day activities, it can be dangerous for relationship as misunderstanding can happen any time. A marriage counselor can help you to get out of such things. The second sign can be lack of physical passion. Sex is an important part of a relationship and if you or your partner no longer feel the urge to get involved in sexual encounters then it becomes evident that you are no longer closer to your partner. Do you differ from your partner in every little thing? Arguments and tiffs can become a serious issue in future if it is not handled with proper care. Visit a couple counselor to get the remedy.

Parenthood can be called as the bliss of married life. If your child becomes a burden for you and your partner, then surely there is something wrong in your relationship. An effective counseling can bring the family back together. Moreover, if you realize that both you and your partner have become so much busy with your career that you do not have time for each other, it also shows that you are growing apart from your partner.


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