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Ashley Turton, the wife of a chief White House official was found dead inside her car which was burnt severely on Monday. The incident that took place outside her Washington home has left many baffled as no suitable answer behind the cause of the accident has come up. 37-year-old Ashley Turton was married to Dan Turton and the couple lived in their Capitol Hill residence with their three children.

Democratic party workers had not yet recovered themselves from shock of the shooting incident of Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday, when the death news of one more Democrats lobbyist coming up. Police found the remains of Ashley Turton’s body inside her BMW sports car in their garage after firefighters were able to extinguish the flames. A Fire Department spokesperson said that the incident was reported to the police by the shocked neighbors of the Turtons and the firefighters then arrived at the spot around 5 in the morning. The reason behind the death of the congressional staffer turned lobbyist certainly has added a jolt to the Democrats. The fire had not only damaged the car badly but had also affected some parts of the brick walled house.

The circumstances behind the death no doubt appear to be very unusual. Was it a sheer accident or had Ashely Turton fallen a victim to crime, is still not clear to the investigators. Police, however, has not yet listed any motive of crime behind the death. The matter will be jointly investigated by the police and the Fire Department.


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