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Heidi is a name, that is the current buzz in the internet all over the world. Although it is an opossum, it has managed to gain the fame and popularity like any other leading celebrity in world. However, what makes her famous is its crossed eye, an ocular disorder that is rare in animal species.

Although Heidi is just two an half year old, it has traveled to many places by now. Sources say that Heidi was born in United States and was abandoned along with her sister, Naira, outside an animal shelter in North Carolina. However, in May 2010, the siblings along with another male opossum, Teddy, were brought to the Leipzig Zoo in Germany, while they would be displayed from July. Sources from the zoo have said that this deformity may be attributed to two reasons. Either it has excessive fat accumulation behind her eyes (that is quite possible amongst overweight animals), that has pushed the eyeballs towards each other, or it is due to malnutrition. The zoo officials are therefore providing this “surprising and unplanned” rodent with high-fiber and low-energy food to reduce her weight. However, although Heidi is losing weight in its tail, its eyes are still crossed. The zoo has published in its website that it would continue with the same diet for Heidi, until they see a significant result. Otherwise, this crossed eyed animal has no other behavioral problems or physical deformity.

Nevertheless Heidi has already gained the popularity that everyone would envy. Stefan Langner has also written a song on her, that is creating a rave on Youtube. He said in an interview that when he saw Heidi on TV, he was so charmed, that he could not help writing a song on her. She also has more than 80,000 fans on Facebook. Even toy makers are making stuffed toys after her name, to make her popular amongst the kids!


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